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ME 230 Basics of Mechatronics


Lab Exercise  (Click here for the lab schedule)

  • Before attending a lab: Read the lab manual and understand what you will build before attending the lab.
  • During the lab: You will work in a group of two people. Get required parts, build circuit, and collect data following the lab instruction. Make sure you collect all necessary data required to write the lab report.
  • Lab report:
    • Each group is required to submit an electronic copy via Canvas. (Exception: Lab 1 requires individual lab reports.)
    • The submission deadlines are posted on Schedule.
    • If you will miss a lab for an exceptional case, please let the instructor know in advance and provide proof such as hospital, doctor, funeral documents later.


Lab Device 1: The NI Engineering Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) II

The NI ELVIS II will be provided and used for the labs.


Produce website:

User Manual:


Lab Device 2: Arduino

The Arduino platform will be used for the labs.



Online Circuit Simulation Tool: Multisim Live (

The MultisimLive will be used for simulating and testing circuit designs.

